How Big Emergence Area is for Exterior Emergency Egress Lighting?

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Senior Member

I have a question in regard to exterior emergency egress lighting. My question is based on the IRC all building should have a minimum 1 fc light at the exit door. But I was not able to find the dimensions of the emergency area around exit door.

Does anybody here have any idea when we design the lighting how big of an area should we consider to lit up?

For public assembly buildings the egress area is explicitly stated to reach all the way to the nearest or designated access to public right of way.
For residential, there does not seem to be that same guidance, so I would have to say that as long as the door and the ground directly outside it are lit is should be OK.
@ ~ @


The IRC does not state a 1 FC minimum at the exterior side
of exterior doors......The 1 FC requirement is listed in the
`15 IBC, Section 1008.2.1........Also, certain Residential
Occupancy Groups are exempted [ RE: Section 1008.2,
Exception # 3 ] from having minimum illumination levels.
In Section 1008.2.1, Exception # 2, ...the illumination level
can be reduced to not less than 0.2 FC.

Is your application a true IRC application, or an IBC
application ?

@ ~ @
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