How do I wire a dead-end 3-way with Zooz Zen21 smart switch?

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New User
The following dead-end 3-way wiring diagram shows my current setup with the Zooz Zen21, but it's not working. This wiring works fine with a simple standard paddle 3-way switch that doesn't require a neutral wire. However, since the Zooz switch requires a neutral wire, I ran a white wire from the capped neutral wire from the breaker and the light switch to the neutral slot in the Zooz, but it didn't work.

So to simplify everything, I ignore the second switch in the garage and just use the Zooz switch to try to turn on the light switch. I have the following wiring and it's not working. I have tried the Zooz Zen72, Zen21, and the Kasa HS200 single pole switch. All of these smart switches that requires the neutral is unable to turn the light on with the following wiring diagram.

However, if I did the same thing with the standard paddle switch but this time capped the neutral wires together since the standard paddle switch does not require a neutral wire. It works perfectly fine with this wiring.

So, what's wrong with my wiring on the smart switches? How do I get any of the smart 3-way switches to even turn on the light?
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