How do you…?

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Senior Member
Central Virginia
President/Owner, Wayne Cook Electric, Inc.
Let me start with a bit of background information. I‘m nobody special but I’ve been reasonably successful as I made my way through life. A lot of my success was because I realized early on that self improvement depended on “ME.“ In my career in the fire service and the electrical industry, I had lots of training, schooling, and OJT. But, I realized that if I truly wanted to be successful, just being a good learner was not going to do it. I constantly challenged myself to exceed all assignments in my training courses in the fire service. If I needed to read 10 pages this week, I read 10 chapters. If I needed to write a two page report, I wrote 5 pages. If the assignment was to answer 25 code questions, I answered 100. And on and on. And not because I was smart, because I’m not, but because I wanted to be better than just average.

I guess it was not long after Mike Holt really got cranked up in the training industry that I stumbled across him, (and Sabrina, bless her soul). I bought just about every VHS tape set he had from Fundamentals to Masters Prep. Night after night, hour after hour after hour of watching, and reversing and rewatching, as Mike imparted his wisdom. There was no real need for me to make this sacrifice, because I could have probably taken a test prep class at the local Community College and passed my exams and been just as much of a licensed electrician as the next guy. But I wanted more. I guess I was just self motivated for personal reasons.

My question to you, the brain trust in our industry, is how the heck do I get these young guys that work for me to realize, that just the status quo hampers their growth and advancement. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got great young men working for me, but that is what is so frustrating. I see so much potential, and yet they seem to think that they are going to get everything they need from just a few college classes and OJT. Selfishly, I need them to be so much more than that. I need hungry guys that want to be challenged, want to be pushed beyond their comfort zone. So that they can step up in the future and be the leaders in my company, or wherever they end up.

I’ll take all suggestions. I’m trying every trick I know, but I’m not really seeing the proverbial light bulb come on. Maybe you know something that will help me push the right button.

Along this same line, back on the VHS tapes Mike made in the 80’s, he did a monologue on the rule of thirds. Put a random sampling of 99 people in room and a third are just lost, basically failures, a third are good, but just loyal worker ants, but the last third are something special. Mike went on to paint a picture of each 1/3 of the top third. And so on until the last person or two are the ones that are truly successful, the CEO’s, the Company President, and so on. Do any of you have this analogy, either by Mike, or someone else, that you would share with me.

Thank you all.
I don't think you can make someone want to excel; it's something that is always a part of that person.

I love wiring but I hate contracting. I'd like to partner with someone who is the opposite. Just point.
It’s something they have to come to terms with and want to change themself. People have to change cause they want to, you can be there to help facilitate the change but you can’t force it.
Jordan Peterson helped me I was listing to him before he got big. I found his university videos on YouTube when I was trying to find how to improve myself.
Having kids helped me grow up also.
Your analogy of the top 1/3 are something specials and then those 1/3 are something very special, is the Pareto distribution
Applies to every thing in the world as we know it.
I think all of us here share your frustration (being here says a lot on its own)
Inspiring the younger guys when I contracted was often an impossibility... "where's my check ? " "remember what you told me yesterday, well no"
Once I was inspwecting I met so many guys/gals that could become great electricians... I began teaching classes to help them grow that potential..less that 5% are interested in attending.
BTW, my avatar is my shop cat, Kobie. We lost Kobie about a year ago, but he lived 20+ years. I think Kobie lived so long because he was a strong believer in the theory of conservation of mass and energy. A busy day for him was to jump down off my desk to eat.

A funny tale about Kobie. The fellow across the road from me got married years ago. Six months later he came home from work one day and she was gone. And so was everything in his house except empty coat hangers, light bulbs, and Kobie. (Which was actually her cat). Soon after, Kobie wandered across the road and never went home. I told my buddy, “darn boy, even the cat can’t live with you!”
What’s frustrating to me are the guys here that understand so little about electrical theory, yet can’t wait to get off work to read a magazine or article about hunting, fishing, biking, etc..
I’ve asked some, “why will you study so hard on something that makes you no money, but won’t study things for a career?”
I was teaching a class at work on drawbridges which are very industrial things that rely heavily on control systems. At the end of the class I pulled up a few really great instructors on YouTube that cover such topics as electrical theory, PLCs, motor controls... And suggested that one could study these things on their own, that suggestion was met with grunts and eye rolls.
Pretty much as I suspected, its not a problem unique to me, my company, or my area. Like Hv&Lv said, they will spend untold hours discussing hunting and fishing, or the latest modifications available to customize their P/U trucks, but ask them about magnetism, or inductance, or voltage drop, and you may as well be speaking Mandarin Chinese.
I just had to post this was watching this to motivate me in the morning and thought it fit perfect for your students you want to guide.

The quote that made me think of you was

If you are a gifted person, it doesn't mean that you gained something. It means you have something to give back.

God bless you man, people like you with your generous heart will be the only way this county stays afloat
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