How many motors on 100amp existing panel?

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Brush Prairie WA
Existing 100 amp, 208/120volt panel. I have several motors I need to feed from this panel as well as some receptacles. Would I take the largest motor loads FLC multiply it by 1.25 then add the other motors FLC, per 430.24? As for the recepts would I just count them as 1.5 amps (180va/120v) as per 220.14(I)?
Does anyone know of a website where I could get a load calc template for commercial/industrial?
I know of no "commercial" template but a couple of words of caution (possibly not needed). Keep in mind that 220.14(I) is for "general use outlets" and not specific loads and don't forget to check you "balance" on each phase. An imbalanced load can quickly exceed a 100 amp panel with "several motors".
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