How many of you would take this job? Be honest.

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Scenario...Home owner just bought a house with an in-law apt. built on the side. 200Amp service mounted on back corner of apartment side of house. The main electrical panel has a 200 amp main and 3 100 amp breakers feeding three 100 amp subpanels. One sub panel in the apartment and two sub panels in the main house laundry room. Wiring in each sub panel was neat and nothing was over-fused. Thought it was a rather odd setup.
Homeowner wants the service relocated from the back of the apartment to the side (about a 6 foot move) in preperation for an addition to the back of the apartment where the service is currently located. They also want the 100 amp sub-panel in the apartment re-located next to the panels in the main house. Not sure why?
Here is the "kicker". When I called the inspector for another issue, I mentioned the above job and gave him the address. He went off! The front of the main house had a front porch. The new homeowner started to close it in. The inspector said he was driving by and saw it and put a red "stop work order" on it for not displaying a building permit. He said they ignored the "stop work order" closed in the porch, ran the electrical, put up drywall etc. and moved in. No permit was ever pulled. He said they would have to tear down the drywall, remove insulation, pull a building permit etc. They want me to pull the electrical permit, check the un-permitted wiring, due the service move and relocate the afore mentioned sub-panel.
Long story...I know... Here is the question: How many of you would take on this job (knowing the above)? Keep in mind, by pulling the permit you, would be liable for someone elses work.

Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
I'd take it!

I'd take it!

I'd take it as long as the home owner gives me free way to bring everything up to code, and the inspector is satisfied with that. I'd replace everything necessary that somebody else may have done. You may have to put it in writing though.


Senior Member
Keep in mind, by pulling the permit you, would be liable for someone elses work.

It's only an enclosed porch. If they pulled the drywall you could inspect and redo it, then it would be your work.

I'd do it but I'd bid it high enough for the PITA factor.


Senior Member
Are the owners going to pull a bulilding permit? Many jurisdictions will not issue other trades permits without a building permit. What ever you do dot all your i's and cross all your t's.


Senior Member
Newport, NC
I would do it but make sure everything is covered. HO is certainly not going to be happy about taking anything out. Thankfully I have not had to deal with customer situations like this so I am not totally sure what the best advice is. We have had jobs where we said no thanks and never lost sleep over it. Just get a good feeling from all parties how you think it will pan out and go from there. Sometimes you just know it is not a job that would be worth it. Tough to say in these times, which plays into the decision.


Yes, the homeowner is going to pull the building permit. I initally bid the job and bid it high for the PITA factor. The homeowner said the bid looked good to him! :smile:. I am just having second thoughts on this one. My gut feeling is to pass on this job, but my pocket book is saying take it. The inspector is already "ticked off" about the property for them not following the "stop work order". That really doesn't affect me personally, because I know my work would be done correctly. I guess I'll see what it looks like with the drywall removed before I "abandon ship". If it is "hack" work (yes I can make it right) but, the rest of the house might be wired the same way.
We are using 2008 NEC here so at least if I take the job, I can replace the 15 amp and 20 amp breakers with AFCI's. That would add a level of safety and peace of mind. Still un-sure though??

Keep your opinions coming..


Senior Member
New Jersey
Be very careful and be very descriptive in your permit application because in my state once you take out the permit you are responsable for every thing covered on that permit wether you or the home owner did the work.
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