How many Smoke Detectors are allowed?

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Senior Member
Is there any fire code that resrtricts the number of initiating devices (smokes, heat detectors, etc)? There is a building I want to replace de SD trough the building( 3 story) the existing interconnected system is 120 volts 3 wires they installed Firex (very old tyoe) but the number in total is 19 Sd and 3 Heat detectors. Any reply would greatly apreciatted.
mtnelectrical said:
Is there any fire code that resrtricts the number of initiating devices (smokes, heat detectors, etc)? There is a building I want to replace de SD trough the building( 3 story) the existing interconnected system is 120 volts 3 wires they installed Firex (very old tyoe) but the number in total is 19 Sd and 3 Heat detectors. Any reply would greatly apreciatted.

I would definitely check with the manufacturer. The Firex 5000 will allow Up to 18 Firex devices maximum: 12 smoke alarm items
5000, 4618 and 46182 (model FADC), 4518 (model ADC)
and 4480 (model PAD). Up to 6 heat, carbon monoxide or
smoke and carbon monoxide combination alarms
maximum; Firex carbon monoxide alarm item 10000
(model COE) and 6045 (model COQ8), Firex smoke and
carbon monoxide combination alarm item 12000 (model​
FADCM) and 7000 (model FADCQ) or Firex heat alarm
This is a small apartment building so Firex is out of the question. However Kiddie only let me use 18 sd. But I have 19 in this building and there is another that have 22. Can use relay modules to split the the number in 2 circuits?

Kiddie 1296E
? Interconnectable System ? Interconnects with up to
24 Kidde devices (of which 18 can be initiation)
including smoke, co and heat alarms.
mtnelectrical said:
Can use relay modules to split the the number in 2 circuits?


A maximum of 24 Kidde devices may be interconnected in a multiple station
arrangement. The interconnect system should not exceed the NFPA interconnect
limit of 12 smoke alarms and/or 18 alarms total (smoke, heat, carbon
monoxide, etc.). With 18 alarms interconnected, it is still possible to interconnect​
up to a total of 6 remote signaling devices and/or relay modules.

Split the system in half with a relay one each side and hook it up to an extreamly loud fire bell audible through the whole building. Or split it floor to floor....
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