How much time would you figure?

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Senior Member
I have this dilema from time to time. I'm bidding on a job to add recessed lights to an existing room. It is on the bottom floor, so there is no attic access. There are 7 lights to install and a switch loop to be run. the room is about 14 x 22.

Basically, the way I would do it is to mark the joists, determine where the cans (remodel) go, then cut a trough where I'll need to run romex (ie down one side of where the cans go.) then cut 4-1/4 holes on the other side because the wire can be fished.

How much time do you guys figure for jobs like this. It seems it always takes longer than it should.

Also, for you California guys...the new title 24 require IC rated fixtures which are not made in a 4" remodel housing...any thoughts there?

Re: How much time would you figure?

sfav8r said:
I have this dilema from time to time.

It seems it always takes longer than it should.

How is that even possible?

I could understand it for the first or second job, but by the third time you should have a very accurate estimate on time.

sfav8r said:
How much time do you guys figure for jobs like this

7 lights (assuming sheetrock ceilings w/o any special finish ie popcorn)
1 Switch (assuming H+N are available in switch box location w/o need to run a seperate circuit)

Appx. 15 it 16 hours to have 2 guys finsh it one day.

Time includes set-up and clean-up of all debris generated, lamp and trim install, device install , etc.
Your not really going to cut a trough in your customers ceiling are you?
Do you Expect a drywall guy to cut a 1" piece of rock 8' long?
It will sag!
Drill thru the joist with a long bit.
Make small holes on one side of the joist & fish thru to the other hole.
Small holes will be easier to patch & will make you look like youv'e done this before.
If you want to get called back carry some light weight spakle & fill the holes for your customer.
Don't leave them swiss cheese ceilings

Bid it at 1 hour per can & per switch.
You should make good money on it at that price!
If you can do it quicker or slower thenyou can adjust your bid next time.
Good luck!

Mistakes can oftern be as good a teacher as sucess.
77401 said:
Your not really going to cut a trough in your customers ceiling are you?
Do you Expect a drywall guy to cut a 1" piece of rock 8' long?
It will sag!

Ummm, dude..why would you need to cut a trench PARRALLEL to the beams????....wouldn't PERPENDICULAR work better ???? Then you could drill each exposed beam/joist, then attach the rock back to the beam/joist.

77401 said:
Drill thru the joist with a long bit.

A very long bit....that's flexible - so you can drill through 2 beams/joists from each can opening.....

Something like this puppy:
I think(hope) he meant perpendicular.

Celtic....I don't trust those long bits.
I prefer to be closer to what I'm drilling into. I can feel when I'm on a wire or water pipe better with a short bit that on a 4 foot bit.
After all you already going to have some holes to be repaired, another one or two is acceptable.
Plus thus long bits go where they want to and its neer good.
I do this stuff all the time.

First I drill the can holes with this Elco adjustable hole-cutter

Then I drill several "access" holes for the long bit. No problem.

For patching, the Elco cutter leaves me a perfect plug. I use a small strip of wood and wood screws. A little spackling - I'm done. For "popcorn" texture, the big box stores sell "popcorn" texture in a spray can.

I estimate them at 1.5 - 2 hours per can, 1 hour for the switch leg, 150% markup on parts. I don't bid small remodel work that I can't see.
For recessed cans, once we're above four or so, I charge $75 per, and if there are six or more, I'll include the can. This is all assuming one room, and my recommendations on spacing and location are somewhat followed.

If there is no attic access, I price getting the switch leg to the first can strictly by T&M, or if I'm confidant, I'll give a lfat price for it. In other words, the first can may be $250; the rest are $75 each. The trim is always extra.
is'nt your ceiling"straped"or is the wall board directly instaled to the joist?
7 lites x130.00=910.00
1 si old work dimmer=110.00
done ,,whats up for tomorrow,,,
good morning"77401"
thats kinda what i thought about the strapping,,i worked in florida,,for a short time,,fortmyers,cape coral,area,and i was bummed when there was no strapping,no money either,,but thats a whole other topic.
i've never even seen the new tunnel,,i live 30-40 miles from the city,,and don't have any reason to go there,,ya know what they say about boston drivers,,it's all true,
i wonder why we're the only ones that strap the ceiling,,well i'm glad we do.
over & out,,
theres other construction methods up there that we don't do. No Plaster of any kind here.
But one thing we are allowed to do in residental panels that you can't do is bring in all the romex feeds into a 2 1/2" Pvc connector as a bushing instead of individual romex conectors...HOW's THAT!
312.c appears to allow it in my interpretation.

What can I say ...Houston & Surrounding areas has always allowed it.
The first panel I trimmed out in MA I did it that was as I grew up doing & it got turned down.
Whats interesting about this forum is learning how other areas allow different methods from what you may be acostumed(sp) too
Any old work or remodel work, I have to charge T&M. If the customer wants to purchase the fixtures to save money then I just tell them what type they need and that way they knock a huge chunck out of the bill. Labor rate of $95 for the first hour, $65/hr after that. Material is a standard mark up of whatever I feel is fair, not to exceed 30%.
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