I can understand that certain words bother certain people and I'm sure there are valid reasons however I am just so fed up with the way things have gone. It seems that if one person is bothered by something, be it words, a picture, a tv show, whatever it's up to everybody else to change their behavior or opinion etc, so that person is not upset. I have kids in public schools and it is ridiculous the way they let one or two people affect everybody else.
When a word is used and you find it offensive it is because you view it that way. I'm sure there are things that people laugh at or poke fun at or just find humorous that others would be horrified to hear. Usually it's all fun and games until it's something that affects you personally and then it becomes "hey that's not funny" .
Joe Biden dropped an F bomb the other day and the way it's been reported you'd think he capped a reporter on the way back from the microphone. I say woopdee friggin do.
I had a battle last week on another site with a guy who used a choice racial term. It bothered me and we argued over it. After a few days I realized that my main gripe was that I think the guy is a jerk and the word was just the trigger to get the argument going.
But in reality whether or not I like what he said he has every right to say it and that's the bottom line. I can disagree but I have no choice but to respect that it is his opinion and who am I to say he shouldn't be allowed to voice it.
All that said I won't tip toe around things out of fear that somebody might be offended. There used to be a saying "BLEEP 'em if they can't take a joke"
See how I censored myself there.