How to connect a hooter with output relay contact of a digital ammeter?

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i want to attach a hooter with a digital ammeter so that whenever load crosses limit (set by me), it would 'honk' and i will keep load within desired limits.
For this, I connected ammeter according to connection diagram and simply attached a 230V hooter with NO output contact of ammeter (because when current would exceed, relay would operate and NO open contact will close down to operate hooter). Output contact is also rated for 220-240V but whenever current crosses defined limit 'fault LED' on meter lights up but hooter does not sound.

Perhaps, I am doing it wrong and oversimplifying connections of hooter with output contact of ammeter?
Kindly help me out?
In the current and former British Empire, a hooter is what we call a horn in the US.
So if someone jumps in front of your car, you would react by tootling your hooter. (And maybe applying your brakes?)

The horn would be part of a feedback loop to cause human power users to cut back on their usage instead of rudely cutting off their power feed.
The question is not even 2 hours old. I thought of the woman's anatomy when reading both your question and your post. By the end of reading your post I had no idea what you were asking.

There is no guarantee your question will ever be answered.

The responses so far have helped us understand what you were asking. You certainly did not ask it in local vocabulary to this USA based website.

So based on your last little rant there, I think I'll just pass along and see if someone nicer than me wants to help you do your job.

And if any mod does not like the tone of my post, feel free to remove it; certainly no offense taken.

Good day. And welcome to the forums.
i want to attach a hooter with a digital ammeter so that whenever load crosses limit (set by me), it would 'honk' and i will keep load within desired limits.
For this, I connected ammeter according to connection diagram and simply attached a 230V hooter with NO output contact of ammeter (because when current would exceed, relay would operate and NO open contact will close down to operate hooter). Output contact is also rated for 220-240V but whenever current crosses defined limit 'fault LED' on meter lights up but hooter does not sound.

Perhaps, I am doing it wrong and oversimplifying connections of hooter with output contact of ammeter?
Kindly help me out?
The basics of your idea sound correct, perhaps you are connecting something wrong?
Can you post a schematic of how you connected things?
verify that your controls are functioning as intended - as in does relay contacts change state when set point is reached?
as kwired notes, seemingly correct.
Simple test..when you jump across the two hooter wires connected to the ammeter terminals, does it toot ? IF so it's obviously not the hooter.
If so, for some reason the connection you are making on the ammeter are not a N.O, contact that closes on rise in current.
Can you provide product details on your ammeter device ?
The basics of your idea sound correct, perhaps you are connecting something wrong?
Can you post a schematic of how you connected things?
verify that your controls are functioning as intended - as in does relay contacts change state when set point is reached?

@augie47, @actiondave yes, i believe hooter is not getting supply when Normally Open contacts closes...
I connected it like this
as kwired notes, seemingly correct.
Simple test..when you jump across the two hooter wires connected to the ammeter terminals, does it toot ? IF so it's obviously not the hooter.
If so, for some reason the connection you are making on the ammeter are not a N.O, contact that closes on rise in current.
Can you provide product details on your ammeter device ?

My ammeter is EPM 4c and it has a Normally Open output contact which (according to manual) closes when current increases or decreases more than programmed limits.

If you just connect the two lead wires of the hooter together, you would not expect it to sound unless it has internal batteries.
Your relay contacts can interrupt power supplied by a series source but cannot supply that power in the first place.
What is the input power specification for the hooter? Maybe 12V DC?
An alarm panel that drives a hooter will typically provide switched 12V DC, not just a contact closure.
Also, can the contacts in the meter easily handle the current for the hooter? I like to interpose a relay anytime I have an expensive device controlling something else, unless the thing is a very low draw.
It's not supposed to match... exactly. It is a modified version showing a connected horn. The original does not show a connected horn.

My gawd! Do you think I am that stupid :D (perhaps that should remain unanswered)
I actually understand that the factory diagrams would not show the hooter :)

I agree with Smart$. The various EPM-4C diagrams indicate it only has a "dry-contact" output. There is no internal power to the hooter indicated.

After looking at the site, it appears there are more than one variety of EPM-4C with different contact arrangements.
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I will just point out that if the unit really looks like this.


That it is likely just a speaker and will need some sort of driver to produce a noise.

Simply sending voltage to it will not do it.

Of course it may have an internal driver but it is something I would want to be sure of.
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