How to cut the power of a motor by half its value?

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I'm working on a WEG motor which is winded in a star-delta wiring, it presents a lot of power which is harmful to its surrounding. it has 12 wires. and its connection is 3 pairs parallel to each others, so how can i cut its power by half?
I'm working on a WEG motor which is winded in a star-delta wiring, it presents a lot of power which is harmful to its surrounding. it has 12 wires. and its connection is 3 pairs parallel to each others, so how can i cut its power by half?
Reduce the power required by the driven load?
nic -
Are you concerned about the inrush current during starting?

Or as jraef just defined clearly in another thread, concerned about reducung the starting current (which can last seconds to minutes, unlike the inrush current which lasts a small number of cycles.)
If normal operation of the motor is in a parallel configuration, rewiring it in series configuration during starting will reduce both inrush and starting current but will also reduce starting torque, possibly to the point that the motor will not start successfully and will trip the overload or burn out.

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Reduce the power required by the driven load?
It's the only way I know of...

But nicolaschalhoub,
In all fairness to someone who is obviously not an native English speaker, the terms you use might be getting in the way here.
"... it presents a lot of power which is harmful to its surrounding"

I'm not sure what you mean by this. If by "power" you are meaning starting current, then what Golddigger said is one way to get a reduction. "Power" is kW, which is what is required by the load and supplied by the motor. The motor will CONSUME power commensurate with the requirements by the load. So if you don't like the power consumed by the motor, you will need to live with having the motor do less work.
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