Re: How to estimate?
I no longer contract, but a few of the things that I remember well are because of the "pain" attached to the learning curve.
I suggest start small with bids until you can estimate actual time it takes for YOU. If you can compare to an estimating system after that, it will give you a real handle on estimating time.
The last ten percent of the job takes fifty percent of the time.
in today's mkt, get written material estimates. I trusted a supplier for the quote and went to purchase a few days later, twice the price. It was a mile of #2 thhn. Found a broker that would let me pick up at shipping hub, recouped cost.
The good lessons are the ones that don't break you.
Job conditions like height, poorly organized general cont., hazards, distant parts supplier, travel, job access, co-ordinating jobs, getting paid problems, estimating payments in contract, lost and broken tools.
Find a friendly contractor to do mutual aide.
If you are up and gone by

6am and done by 8pm (calls, books, truck, tools etc)

that is still 14 hours for an 8 hr day. Keep that in mind when bidding.
enough from me, no knees paul