how to find center of bend on a i.e. greenlee 854 bender

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Senior Member
Oregon Coast
What angle bend do you need the center of?

I believe the quick 'n dirty method would be to bend a scrap piece of pipe to whatever angle you need, then use a level or some other straightedge held against the adjacent sides of the angle to make a couple of straight lines forming an X inside the elbow. The center of the X will pretty closely be the center of the bend. Then you can just chuck the bent pipe back into the bender and transpose the center mark.

It's a lot easier to show a picture than to describe it, I'll see if I can conjure something up off the 'net and post it shortly.

There's probably a more mathematically precise way to do it, but I learned that trick as a 1st term apprentice working at a paper mill. Not all of the millbillies are keen on doing math problems at work :D


Senior Member
Oregon Coast
Okay so here's the textbook version. Still lookin' for a pic of the quick 'n dirty version.

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