How to perform comprehensive test after a lightning strike

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Anyone performing a comprehensive test in residences struck by lightning? I can't find a protocol, and it seems there alot of different thoughts on how deep or thorough a test should be...even from homeowners insurance companies, particularly when there may be damage that is unseen.

Thank you


Senior Member
remember lightning is unpredictable--every strike is different-and the damage is different. i always use the common sense approach. talk to the homeowner or anyone who was there to get some idea of what happened. visually inspect the service and grounding system completely. inspect the attic looking for high voltage tracking on grounded surfaces. look closely at circuits that were damaged by the strike for tracking. check every outlet-power-data-telephone and t.v.. i if found physical damage i would replace that portion and meg all branch circuit associated with that circuit. check all lighting outlets and switches for proper operation. check all outside outlets. write a report of your actions and findings! ????????my $.02


Senior Member
Rhinelander WI
charlietuna said:
remember lightning is unpredictable--every strike is different-and the damage is different. i always use the common sense approach. talk to the homeowner or anyone who was there to get some idea of what happened. visually inspect the service and grounding system completely. inspect the attic looking for high voltage tracking on grounded surfaces. look closely at circuits that were damaged by the strike for tracking. check every outlet-power-data-telephone and t.v.. i if found physical damage i would replace that portion and meg all branch circuit associated with that circuit. check all lighting outlets and switches for proper operation. check all outside outlets. write a report of your actions and findings! ????????my $.02
megger all branch circuits!!
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