We are running underground 2'' PVC pipe and we have special request to do pull point in 2/3 of run (in tree area)even it is not necessary.This will be feeder for building in school area.They want us to stab each pipe up(make 90) and drive PVC into handhole.Inside of handhole we are supposed to provide some kind of enclosure to connect conduits together and have access to it,use it as pull point.My question is.What kind of NEMA enclosure rating we should use in this case .This is happening in Seattle and I'm worried if we use only spray water tight enclosure what happens if water builds up in manhole in rainy days and enclosure get flooded.I'm thinking of 4x4x12 gutter kind of box or 6x6x12 or longer.Something with seal and screws.Another solution can be 2 LB bodies and piece of pipe between them. Please advise.What is correct way to solve this.Thank You.