How to support 120 volt thermostat in greenhouse

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Senior Member
I would like to place a 120 volt thermostat just above a table of seedlings supported from the structural tubing above.The thermostat box has ears on its sides for mounting and a hole in the top for a 1/2 fitting. I would like to use metal conduit as a raceway. Any ideas on how to mount the pipe from above and with what type of fitting all of which is code compliant. I am unable to support the thermostat from the floor. Thanks
An appropriate conduit clamp and a at top, and threaded into the box at bottom (with locknuts if needed).
You could use a swivel fixture hanger like one at the link below and attach it to a round or octagon box. Then use a length of rigid conduit to support the thermostat box. A swivel might be better than trying to keep a length of conduit rigidly attached on just one end. With a swivel if it gets bumped it will just give and not bend something.

The RMC could be directly attached to thermostat box through it's hole on top as Larry mentioned. Or if the thermostat box is not substantial enough to mount that way, a weatherproof junction box such as the one below could be connected to the conduit and then the thermostat box connected below it, with both boxes attached to a short piece of Unistrut.
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