How to tell you are getting old

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brian john

Senior Member
Kilmarnock, Va
Retired after 52 years in the trade.
As an electrician I suddenly felt old yesterday, I drove by a building I worked in when I was a first year apprentice, They are tearing it down to make way for future imporvements. Does not seem that long ago it was a brand new structure now it is a pile of rubble.
You are only as old as you feel. At least that's what they say---

My kids use to tell me I was so old that "I fart dust"
brian john said:
As an electrician I suddenly felt old yesterday, I drove by a building I worked in when I was a first year apprentice, They are tearing it down to make way for future imporvements. Does not seem that long ago it was a brand new structure now it is a pile of rubble.

<sigh> The Alumni Foundation called this week seeking a donation (again). They are funding the construction of a new building on my old campus to replace Lejune Hall - which had it's grand opening when I was a sophomore.

So I know exactly how you feel, although seeing a toaster exactly like mine (which was a wedding gift) in with the other antique appliances at the local antique show didn't make me feel any younger.
I was a member of the crew of the brand new nuclear cruiser, USS Arkansas, CGN-41, when she was commissioned in 1980. I was not available to attend her decommissioning ceremony in 1998. That is far too short a life span for a ship.
When you back to a house you worked on as an apprentice and admire the old home run you stapled up years ago. It was a paper covered romex with the old undersized EGC. But, at least it's not k&t.
When you start saying....and doing ....the same thinds that the "old guys" used to do....which you swore , you would NEVER do. Yup... I'm there...
I never felt old till 5 days before my 54th B-day when I had that heart attack, rowed boats rollerbladed, ran, back packed,till that day, the attack sure slowed me down a bit. I am just getting back to some of the old things.

I also said I would never do certain things and catch myself doing them. One saying I avoid is I NEVER say "these kids today they don't know, do understand, ect...." I was no differnet then some of them and my kids are SOOOO much beter than I ever was..
brian john said:
these kids today. . .
I feel old, watching my 16 year old son play with such intensity and abandon. I feel still older as I return to my task, knowing I have to get it done to be ready for the next one in the schedule.
The older I get, the dumber I feel.

I looked at the back of my hands about a year ago, and said "Oh chit, I have Joe McManus hands". Joe was a guy I worked with/for back in the early 70's. I don't when it happened, it just did. :-?
Wow. After reading this thread I don't feel so bad now. The only thing is I thought it was bad but I see it gets much worse. :roll:
Tori said:
I know I'm getting old because of the young beauties that I used to be able to hit on now call me sir


I went on a service call this week and the young lady of the house (the 1 with 4 kids) kept calling me sir....
I asked her not to because it made me feel old, she said "yes sir", she would try to remember.
I know I'm old this morning, I had to rip out all the conduit, transformers, ETC. in an old building yesterday. I was working with a younger guy and we finished in about 6 hours. The boss said wow, it would take two days with most people!

This morning I'm so sore that I can hardly move. But I had to keep up with the young guy!
memyselfandI said:
I'm not old. I'm just seasoned. Like wood. Not rotten though, unless you as the kids after daddy has been to the, well you know.
If we're using wood as an analogy, I own my own business: I'm definitely pressure-treated!
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