How would you do this?

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Senior Member
I have a customer that has an existing 100a. service.
They requested an upgrade to 200a. Simple enough!?

My problem is that I don't have any space to install a 40 space panel without it being on its side. All I need in the house is 100a, but I don't know what would be best to split the other 100 to the garage.

Should I find a 200a meter base with dual load side lugs?
I hesitate to lay a 40 space on its side, in case someone (H.O.) does work later and doesn't know enough to install only OCPDs on one side of the box.

Please help, I haven't had this problem before.

How about a 200a 4-space service panel that will accept two 100a 2-pole breakers, one for each feeder?
Besides, a tyical 3R enclosure is only rain-tight when vertical, as penetrations are allowed below the live-parts line, and the rain seal is usually just overlapped edges.
Minuteman, I suppose your right. I may be able to do that. I hope I can talk him into it. He doesn't want a bunch of STUFF on the house.

"Well sir, I can do it with less STUFF on the house. It will cost you this much more." :D
He can either have a disconnect on the outside of the house, or you can run the service entrance cable on the exterior to a spot that will give you sufficient space for the panel. Rules is rules... The alternative is candles.

Bring a new 200-amp service to the garage, install a 2-main breaker box there, and sub-feed the house panel from that.

Am I good or what? (Ready to duck critiques)
20/40 200A should fit where a 100 would

20/40 200A should fit where a 100 would

put in a 20/40 200A next to or within 5ft of entrance and refeed old 100 and split neutral grounds and pull bond jumper from old service and make it a subpanel refeed it with #2 romex and 2pole 100 from new service add 200$ to cover cost of subpanel work and feeder and breaker. You will save a lot of time o0n not refeeding all the old garbage that is probably in this panel I love these service changes!!! just bang new panel up and put in 1 100 A feeder and you walk away
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