In many low and medium voltage systems, the system neutral may not be available. This is specifically true on Delta and ungrounded Wye Connected systems. To be able to ground these systems, grounding transformer (Zigzag or Wye-Delta type) can be used to create a neutral, which in turn can be connected to ground either directly, or more commonly, through a Neutral Grounding Resistor. These combinations are known as artificial neutrals and in each of them is possible to install a Neutral Grounding resistor.
(A) Location. The grounding impedance shall be installed
between the grounding electrode conductor and the system neutral
point. If a neutral point is not available, the grounding impedance
shall be installed between the grounding electrode conductor
and the neutral point derived from a grounding transformer.
Thank you, Don! So, do I need to connect a zig-zag transformer to the secondary of the Delta-Delta and then connect the zig-zag to the HRG unit? Also, may I know what is the real purpose of connecting a Delta-Delta to an HRG unit as we will not have any SLG faults on the transformer, correct?You have to create some type of neutral to use the HRG. The following is from one manufacturer.
Thanks for the reference Joe!Here's what the Code says...
I was going to ask the same thing.Naive question: is there a technical reason that HRG corner grounding is prohibited?
Cheers, Wayne
Naive question: is there a technical reason that HRG corner grounding is prohibited?
Cheers, Wayne
Sorry, how is that different from the grounded conductor in a HRG wye system? Seems like the same issue is present.2) In a corner grounded HRG system, detecting ground faults in the grounded circuit conductor would be more difficult. Such a ground fault converts the HRG system to a sort of solidly grounded system (depending upon how solid the fault is) and you would want to reliably detect it.
Sorry, how is that different from the grounded conductor in a HRG wye system? Seems like the same issue is present.
Or are you suggesting that for 3 wire 3 phase loads, there's a particular benefit to having the HRG grounded conductor not being a circuit conductor?
Cheers, Wayne
It only limits line to ground currents and should have no effect on line to line loads. The loads would be connected on the transformer side of the grounding resistor.Wouldn't a resistor that limits the current to about one amp on one phase of a delta system screw up any loads on that phase during a ground fault?