HVAC controller grounding by code.

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Sometimes I don't know if I'm the boxer or the bag
Roanoke, VA.
Sorta retired........
Have a HVAC redundant controller with a installation manual that states, " A reliable earth ground must be connected in addition to any grounding from conduit."
If I use the HVAC unit's equipment ground for this do I have to pull the same size ground that the unit has to the controller or can I downsize it to #12? Any unit we wire is usually a #10 ground.
The controller is all 24 v.a.c. No line voltage is present.
Also, If we run a conduit from a nearby receptacle to the controller and pull only a ground wire through
it are we creating a potential problem? I have heard it's something that you don't want to do.
250.122 says In no case shall EGC be required to be larger than the circuit conductors supplying the equipment. So if your supply (in that panel)is #18 thats all you need.

I would not get too worried about tying in with your #10 in the other panel. This is just for bonding. Just drill and tap a hole in the backplate to bond it.
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