HVAC load
HVAC load
Over 25 years working for, and as, an electrical/ HVAC/ refrigeration contractor in and around Chicago and I still don't have any easy way to estimate. It depends on building use, materials, insulation, windows, doors, ceiling heights, above or below grade, how many floors, heat or cooling exchange between floors, building shape and/ or surface area, personel and usage equipment providing additional heat/ cooling loads, and now we'll even have to factor in global warming since Chicago just set a new record for the number of days above 100 degrees this summer, and I expect will see blizzards like '79-80 again too.
We use 4 different calculation programs and even they never agree on the loads... then we select equipment... which is never availible in the exact size specified ... and then each manufacturer and equipment type has a different electrical efficiency. If you find an easy way to estimate PLEASE let me know!! At least in my case I'm usually doing both so I get the advantage of having the HVAC calcs first.