I am a Old Newbie

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Gettin r dun

I was here a few years back under Jdutchmen and have since been able to get back to work after back injury. I mainly do residential work but am sticking my nose into small commercial work. Yes I am licenced, bonded and insured. I LOVE my job!

Question is: Asked by a old customer to wire a 1500 sq. ft. exam office for a foot doctor. It will be 6 exam rooms,2 baths and a waiting room. Nothing i havent done before except for bidding it after about a 5 year layoff. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.(Bidding sites on web,personal opinions, or anything you might feel to be a asset to me.)

Thank you in advance and its GREAT to be back to working for a living!!!!
If you're just getting back into things, check to see what copper prices have done. I'm really thinking you'll need to do a print takeoff and send it out for quotes to your supply houses if you've been out of the game that long.

For your own benefit, review article 517, and check the price on the HCFC cable that you'll need for that job.
Welcome back!
Nothing has changed about bidding, you still list all the material and then apply labor units. Of course you would get current prices and labor rates.
Some use computers,and or standard assemblies, but the fundamentals are still the same.
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