I don't need no stinkin UL

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
I just remanufactured a light fixture that has hung on my front porch since 1930. No listing, no labling, just good old yankee ingenuity. Probably hang there for another 77 years. :smile:
electricmanscott said:
I just remanufactured a light fixture that has hung on my front porch since 1930. No listing, no labling, just good old yankee ingenuity. Probably hang there for another 77 years. :smile:

Your sins are confessed. Now go say a Hail Mary 10 times fast. :grin:
I can't believe you put your family at risk with this non-UL fixture. :wink:

This must be stopped, I will be sending the UL police your way. :D
electricmanscott said:
I just remanufactured a light fixture that has hung on my front porch since 1930. :smile:

Is this to be considered your "Magnum Opus" or just another item on the "honey-do" list ? :D :D :D

Edit: By the way, here in the South we have what is known as you all approval.
If you all approve that good enough for us.
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I just hope you wired it with UL listed wire nuts, attached to a listed cross bar, on a listed outlet box, and you fastened the ground wire with a listed grounding clip, and you used listed wire.
electricmanscott said:
I just remanufactured a light fixture that has hung on my front porch since 1930. No listing, no labling, just good old yankee ingenuity. Probably hang there for another 77 years. :smile:
Heretic. Blasphemer!!:grin:
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