I need help!!

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Detroit Michigan
I was an electrical apprentice for a year and I can wire a house, I can do do service changes, find shorts install electric HW tanks......I am a state certified construction teacher and home inspector....I'm no electrician but hey, I know stuff !

I built a garage a couple of years ago and last year I wired the inside of the garage with 4 lights and 5 plugs. I did not have time to trench for the electrical line so I just ran an extension cord out to the garage and everything worked fine on that extension cord laying on the ground in the rain and snow for a year. It was NOT on a GFCI circuit at that time.

Now, I dug the trench, installed a GFCI at the house, ran the underground line out to the garage and connected everything. I plugged in my radio, no problem. I turned on the lights, the GFCI tirps. I plug in a lamp, the GFCI trips. I plug in my drill, the GFCI trips.

I wiggled the wires in the main junction/switch box where the power comes into the garage, the GFCI trips.....Ah ha...I thought I found a short. I spread apart all the wires so nothing is touching. I turned on the lights again with the switch. The GFCI trips again.

I pulled the cover on one of the plugs on the other side of the garage and wiggled the wires, the GFCI trips again.

I installed a new (different) GFCI plug thinking the plug is the problem. It is a 15 amp GFCI plug, 14-2 wire, all on it's own 15 amp breaker feeding only the garage.

Why don't my radio trip the GFCI....it is a 2 prong ungrounded cord but so is the lamp. the lamp trips it, radio does not.
When I use my plug tester and push the black button, the GFCI trips as it should. My plug tester says everything is wired correctly.

I ran the electric out to the garage using underground feed cable 14-2.....and I put in inside the plastic conduit.

What the heck is going on here?????? Any ideas???????
I am closing this thread, in accordance with the Forum rules. This Forum is intended to assist professional electricians, inspectors, engineers, and other members of the electrical industry in the performance of their job-related tasks. However, if you are not an electrician or an electrical contractor, then we are not permitted to help you perform your own electrical installation work.

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