I would bring more donuts and coffie to the supply house. Maybe 24 and a box of coffie. It's hire Jonathan day at the supply house. Talk to everyone you can. Maybe get those free business cards online with your contact information and title like apprentace or apprentace applicant.
Call all the EC in the book. Mail you resimae to everyone in the book.
Some may be looking for a person but have not put out an ad, had poor resaults with the last ad, etc. You have much better ods this way. An employer can spend $100 easy on a short help wanted ad. Applicants call for months afterwords because the ad can still be found on the internet archives.
I like when applicants have the motivation to look for a job opening, not just respond to the help wanted. One a job is in the help wanted the shop may be flooded with applicants. your chances may be 1 in 25 or 50.
The format of a resimae is not important as long as it has key information.
Contact information, employment information, schooling, & what your looking for. Make it short and easy to read.
Do not write on the resimae like you posting on the internet or text messaging. Not to bust on you. When I get a resimae that has lower case I's, no capital letters at the begining of the sentance, an other errors I wonder how well educated, if they speek English well, or if they just put in a poor effort.
Bad resimae sentances:
i wil cum wurk 4 u.do you hav 40 hr weeks.i hav sum tools + exp
Don't laugh, I get these all the time.
Try not to have time gaps in the resimae.
I would rather see you worked at a fast food place for 2 years than see a gap for that long of time.
Maybe if you told the emploier how much you paid for the school they would know you mean business.
Did they teach you about the apprentace hazing?