I need some advice

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im graduating from an electrical program in about 3 weeks ive send out some application quite a few actually and i havnt heard back. i know its ideal to have experiance ( i mean who would hire someone whos hour 1 day 1 as opposed to someone whos fully qualified) what should i write on a resume so i can get out there. i didnt just dish out 23000 in training for nothing.
JONATHAN20 said:
im graduating from an electrical program in about 3 weeks ive send out some application quite a few actually and i havnt heard back. i know its ideal to have experiance ( i mean who would hire someone whos hour 1 day 1 as opposed to someone whos fully qualified) what should i write on a resume so i can get out there. i didnt just dish out 23000 in training for nothing.
If the posters here could click My Profile and tell us where your from, it would be easier to answer questions like this.
i didnt just dish out 23000 in training for nothing.

Ouch! I wouldn't be so sure.

You could have worked free the first year for me and you'd be WAY ahead :)

In the olden days I just got some tools and walked in.

I have hired and trained a LOT of people with zero experience.
220/221 said:
I have hired and trained a LOT of people with zero experience.

Now in many areas some school time is required to get a license

Here in MA its either 600 or 800 hours of school time and 8000 hours in the field before your delegable to take the test.
If I was you, I would start calling local contractors out of the yellow pages. Just be sure to let them know that you are a Day 1, but also mention that you just finished your trade school, you might get a little credit from an employer, but be prepared for at least a year of coffee and lunch runs, cleaning up the jobs, running back and forth to the van to get material. It's not fun, but everyone goes through it, it gets a lot better. Good luck.
Ask your instructors for help. many schools will help you with assistance in job placement. your instructors may know contractors who are looking, they may know other instructors or inspectors who know people who are hiring. they may know of agencies who provide temporary help. stop by job sites on you see in your travels and leave your name and number with every electrical foreman you see. leave no stone unturned.
I'd just show up on a Monday morning with tools and tell them you want to work. Maybe someone called in sick (for the tenth time this year) and you will be in the right place at the right time.

If someone did that at my shop I think I'd at least send them out for a day and check them out.

find a EC that is hiring. Use a reverse number look up to see who it is. Map quest it. Walk in the office and ask to speak with a hiring manager(Don't call if you can help it). Tell the manager your looking for an opportunity. Then somewhere in the conversation ask "On average how long would it take an apprentice to start running work or being a lead guy".

When I talk to a client or someone important I take a caffeine pill and chase it down with a monster about 45 mins before I communicate with them so I at least look like I am excited.
khixxx said:

find a EC that is hiring. Use a reverse number look up to see who it is. Map quest it. Walk in the office and ask to speak with a hiring manager(Don't call if you can help it). Tell the manager your looking for an opportunity. Then somewhere in the conversation ask "On average how long would it take an apprentice to start running work or being a lead guy".

When I talk to a client or someone important I take a caffeine pill and chase it down with a monster about 45 mins before I communicate with them so I at least look like I am excited.

Finding an EC is best, he most likely will have to complete, the state app program, for his state, 4 years in most states longer is a few, but he can look at it in a positive well, he already refiewed a lot of the work, I don't know why he spent $20K plus for a program that is next to nothing, in cost, in most states, but he needs an EC to sponsor the 4 year program.
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You have to go in and talk face to face with them. Have your resume in hand and work clothes on. Most EC's are not going to call back someone who sends them a resume unless they really need someone.
I'm confused?

Why would a person spend $23k w/o some sort of job placement guarantee or OJT(either through the institution or on their own)?
celtic said:
I'm confused?

Why would a person spend $23k w/o some sort of job placement guarantee or OJT(either through the institution or on their own)?
Thats tuition like one of those commercial diving schools,but most of those schools offer job placement. To the op, you should have general knowledge of this trade, and now with your drive to actually want to work, you should be fine!
JONATHAN20 said:
im graduating from an electrical program in about 3 weeks ive send out some application quite a few actually and i havnt heard back. i know its ideal to have experiance ( i mean who would hire someone whos hour 1 day 1 as opposed to someone whos fully qualified) what should i write on a resume so i can get out there. i didnt just dish out 23000 in training for nothing.

Go to your NEAREST electrical supply house at 6AM with 2 - 24oz. cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a box of Munchkins. You'll be working by 7.
I would bring more donuts and coffie to the supply house. Maybe 24 and a box of coffie. It's hire Jonathan day at the supply house. Talk to everyone you can. Maybe get those free business cards online with your contact information and title like apprentace or apprentace applicant.

Call all the EC in the book. Mail you resimae to everyone in the book.
Some may be looking for a person but have not put out an ad, had poor resaults with the last ad, etc. You have much better ods this way. An employer can spend $100 easy on a short help wanted ad. Applicants call for months afterwords because the ad can still be found on the internet archives.

I like when applicants have the motivation to look for a job opening, not just respond to the help wanted. One a job is in the help wanted the shop may be flooded with applicants. your chances may be 1 in 25 or 50.

The format of a resimae is not important as long as it has key information.
Contact information, employment information, schooling, & what your looking for. Make it short and easy to read.

Do not write on the resimae like you posting on the internet or text messaging. Not to bust on you. When I get a resimae that has lower case I's, no capital letters at the begining of the sentance, an other errors I wonder how well educated, if they speek English well, or if they just put in a poor effort.

Bad resimae sentances:
i wil cum wurk 4 u.do you hav 40 hr weeks.i hav sum tools + exp
Don't laugh, I get these all the time.
Try not to have time gaps in the resimae.
I would rather see you worked at a fast food place for 2 years than see a gap for that long of time.

Maybe if you told the emploier how much you paid for the school they would know you mean business.

Did they teach you about the apprentace hazing?
LawnGuyLandSparky said:
Go to your NEAREST electrical supply house at 6AM with 2 - 24oz. cups of Dunkin Donuts coffee and a box of Munchkins. You'll be working by 7.

i'd be careful of that...those pesky labor laws that give guys the right not to travel...also mean that any contractor who'd hire you and put you to work without doing a background check, id check, putting you on payroll, adding you to workmans comp insurance, etc, etc, etc...probably isn't the type of contractor you really want to work for...just a thought...
I am less likely to talk to someone that has mailed me a resume, than one who has called or at least left a message first. Have all your IDs on you and be ready to work the next day. You will get a lot of gofer work at first and may feel like you are not contributing much. Do it anyway, show up early and stay as late as needed.

I kept checking in at one shop for several weeks until they finally hired me @ min wage. Raises came pretty quick after that.
When I need someone it is usually that day,Do not show up at my shop at 7A.M. show up at 6:30 I am way to busy at 7. The first thjing I will do is give you an app to fill out and you need to fill it out I do not care if you have a typed resume I want my app filled out.Do not leave any blanks.Have your drivers license and S.S. card with you as I will need them to background check you. I will give you a brief interview after all trucks are out and if I need help that day I will put you out to work ,within three days of hire you will be drug screened ,fail and you are gone. if I do not need help I will keep you on fill,call each week to keep yourself at top of mind and when the day comes I need help I will call the first to answer gets the job.
The best training for "Greenies"

1. 4-6 months in a supply house
2. 6-9 months in residential track housing or apartments, if you can not wire a place by yourself after 6 months move on to step (3) if you can wire a house by yourself move to step 4

3. Call a plumber and try to get hired on.

4. Commercial office building
5. Schools, hospitals
6. Residential service
7. Commercial service
8. Controls
9. Electrical Testing

You are now prepared for just about anything
Keep your chin up!

Keep your chin up!

At some point in time every single person on this forum had no idea what they were doing. We would rather have a person who full of energy than an more experienced person set in their ways and wants to buck company policy.
Tech knowledge is what you have now, on the job is all you need.
Stay at home if you can and learn the ropes. Then Go into business like the rest of us have. As with before, we were all in the position where we did not know what we were doing, but we learned.
It's all up to you, chase the dream and grab it.
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