I.T. Room grounding

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Electrical Engineer
Vancouver, WA, Clark
Electrical Engineer
Can anyone point me in the direction of how to properly size grounding bar for I.T. server equipment. I only see 770.100(A)(3). Min 14AWG Max 6AWG.
If I have (1) 20A dedicated circuit for an I.T. rack/security equipment, would I just use #12 CU or are there other variables that need to be considered when sizing?1626384481698.png
I don't believe that the NEC specifies any minimum or maximum size for a ground bar in an IT room. We typically run a #6 unless otherwise specified. Have also run #3/0 when it was in the spec which was overkill because all of the racks in the room were connected with a #6.
Grounding and EMF control in a server room is it’s own science. NEC is all about power distribution not EMF and it just scratches the surface. Ground loops for instance can cause serious issues with interaction between equipment. You really should look at for instance IEEE standard 1100.
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