I Think I See a Better Way!!!

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Senior Member
I have been an inspector for just a little under 2 years, a contractor for 12 years and in the field for many years before that (imagine that and I am only 29 years old ;) ). I have kept my finger on the pulse of this industry. I have spent countless hours at different contractor association meetings (3 different counties) and many, many IAEI meetings, not to mention my years of teaching. I have listened to countless stories from different people in this industry, helper, journeymen, union, nonunion, GCs, inspectors, homeowners, business owners, building departments (of which I belong to the bldg depart association as well), I have been in continuing education classes since 1983, up to 3 weeks of class per year. I have participated in this and other forums for about 2 1/2 years - of which I have become friendly with some outstanding individuals. I am also an advisor to the county licensing board, and will in September be admitted to the NYS Code Council.

What am I alluding to? ... I have decided that I cannot help the men/women in this field the way I would like to, as an inspector. I tendered my resignation from the inspection company (of which I am a principal owner) last Tuesday - effective next Friday. The part of inspecting I hated the most was telling contractors to make corrections after the installation . To me this is not help.

I will be going back to teaching full time, and I will also become a "contractor advocate". I have talked with the building departments, inspectors, and the utility company to start getting the contractors better, more accurate and timely information. I will be working with all of the parties to help get this information to all in a fashion that every party has the same information before the installation. I am going to be involved with the high schools to grab some of the students who do not go to college, but go to other trades. I am going to help in whatever way I can because I care and I am tired of this BS that we deal with everyday. Contractors are too busy just trying to keep up, they need someone on their side to get the ball rolling.

I know, how can one person do all of that. I have a lot of energy, and a wife who is 110% behind me. I have many people who will pitch in and also help this industry, they have just been waiting for someone to start this, and I have one very important item that will be a strong asset... the contractors are fed up!!!

If any of you have any ideas that you think may help, I am all ears. Please PM me for my email or mail address, so I can receive your thoughts, I and the industry would appreciate it very much.

Pierre Belarge

Thanks very much in advance!!!


Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Pierre, I am sorry that being an inspector didn't work out for you. After speaking with you on a number of occasions, however, I do think you are making the right move. Good luck!


Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

And I thought today would be the typical calm Sunday without much too much intense discussion...

One thing that any industry, organization, or group needs is good leadership. This is something that most of us see lacking everyday whether it is with contractors, the building departments, or amongst the various trade organizations. Eveyone has a complaint but noone will take action. Eveyone wants to see change but noone will do things different.

I applaud your efforts Pierre and extend you my support as well. I know that wherever you go or whatever you do, our industry is the better for it. It certainly sounds like a hard and bumpy road you are about to travel, so I wish you the best and hope you can accomplish all you set out to do.

I will be sending you my personal contact information so that you may contact me if there is anything I can do way down here in Florida. Take care and have a good labor day weekend!

George Stolz

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Windsor, CO NEC: 2017
Service Manager
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Pierre, I'm slow sometimes. I don't understand what you are embarking on. Who pays you to distribute the information? I'm just not sure what you're talking about.

Sorry for dumbing this down a bit. :)


Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

You know exactly how I feel ;) , don't take this as a bad feeling towards inspectors or the inspection process, as I feel that is very important in our industry. It is just that my hands were tied.

Thanks, and I will be taking advantage of your great knowledge and skills. I appreciate your offer and know that you care as well.

Thanks Hardworkingstiff

"Who pays you to distribute the information? I'm just not sure what you're talking about."

I am not really one of those guys who needs to be paid for everything I do. The satisfaction of helping is more than enough compensation for me, a smiles and handshake kinda guy. I make enough in the other aspects of my work, and feel I should give back to an industry that has been very good to me and my family.
I drive a Jeep that is 9 years old :cool:


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Pierre, if this gives you more time to teach, I say more power to you.

Your students will be the beneficiary's of your decision, and with your high classroom success rate, there will many more in this field that will not be dependant on an inspector to correct their work.



Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

pierre don`t take this the wrong way,but what year did you nter this field.
2 years as inspector + 12 years as a contractor them many years before that and many years before that :D


Senior Member
Milford, MA
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!


I sincerely want to wish you good luck. I hope that you can find contractors who want to learn and improve.

Good Luck,



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Retired Electrician
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Pierre, now you've really thrown him for a loop, he'll be confused for days. ;)



Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

pierre, I feel a good inspector can make a difference, to many inspectors get in the habit of wanting to be the contractors buddy, or retired inspectors working part time that could care less, and jobs get passed that should fail, this is not fair to the homeowner or business that paid for a contractor and had the job inspected, licensed contractors have access to same info as inspectors, I tell any contractors I deal with do not hesitate to call me, I would rather help them, then fail them, it is a shame to lose a good inspector, good luck


Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Best of luck to you. Ours is an industry in need of advocates. I'm especially fond of your idea to get involved at the high school level. As a demographic group, electricians are aging. I see a lot of guys retiring and not a lot of replacements coming up through the ranks. I'm still on the young side myself (30's) and I do see a lot of guys my age in the trade. But, I rarely run into anyone younger than me. That is an area that certainly needs some attention.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Originally posted by allenwayne:I am not doubting you but to me the numbers are a bit out of place
Who was the actor that kept trying to convince the world, over his many decades in the entertainment industry, that he was 29 years old? Was it Bob Hope? George Burns? Pierre Belarge? :D :D


Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

oh goody..
a multible choice question.

A)Bob Hope

B)George Burns

C)aka,also known as: "The Handsome One" :D


Master Electrician Electric Contractor Richmond VA
Henrico County, VA
Electrical Contractor
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Originally posted by charlie b:
Originally posted by allenwayne:I am not doubting you but to me the numbers are a bit out of place
Who was the actor that kept trying to convince the world, over his many decades in the entertainment industry, that he was 29 years old? Was it Bob Hope? George Burns? Pierre Belarge? :D :D
Would you believe it was Jack Benny and it was 39?


Senior Member
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

It is funny you should say 39. My girls have asked me to stop saying I am 29, and agreed 39 is okay :) that damn gray hair gives it away every time.

FPN: the color gray may have been used in the past as an ungrounded conductor.

Maybe I can use my gray hair to color conductors. ;)

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: I Think I See a Better Way!!!

Originally posted by LarryFine: Would you believe it was Jack Benny and it was 39?
That's the guy. Jack Benny. Born in 1894. Died in 1974 at the ripe old age of 39. ;)
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