I5 engine

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i have a friend w/ one. he's had no problems. and i think they're around 230hp, maybe a little more.
ptonsparky said:
Anybody have any experience with the inline 5 cylinder in the GM small pickups? I don't have need of a full sized service vehicle for my use, but could certainly use the abilities of a small pickup on occasion.
I have a chevy colorado crew cab leftover 2006 22k plus tax and note interest Out the door. Cant say I have no problems but2 times fixed in a timely manor. cam sensor went bad in first week replaced 2 hrs on a sunday then 1 yr later throttle assembly replaced 1/2 day after work was never stranded. Plenty of power gas mileage almost 20. Power of a 6 economy of a 4. 23K and 1 and 1/2 yr so far and it is a great truck. 4x4 crew cab 5 ft bed is a pita tho. Nice ride for 1/2 the price of a Ford.
quogueelectric said:
4x4 crew cab 5 ft bed is a pita tho. Nice ride for 1/2 the price of a Ford.

at least you got 5 ft. i got a full size 4x4 crew and my bed is only 54", minus what the toolbox takes up; it sure looked nice on the lot though.
I thought that was a IL 6 motor just looked at chevy.com IL 5 3.7 L hmm.

did it use to be an IL 6 that it came with? I have the old 4.3 L V6 Vortec in my Astro I love that motor wonder why they dropped it.

Edit: my bad they didn't drop it they just don't put it in the small trucks.
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