Ideal Suretrace Plus 61-948


Want to know if anyone here has the Ideal 61-948 Suretrace ‘Plus’ and has any thoughts on it.
Looks like it came out this year (?) to compete with Klein by bracketing their popular ET450 with a lower & higher model in this range.
I use common sense more than I do a tracer but once in a while they can speed things up.
Also curious if you’ve found breaker identification muddied by GFCI / AFCI / & Dual’s. i.e. any performance difference vs standard? In wall tracing experience? Or comparisons to the Klein ET450 welcome.
*(couldn't find a test equip section, so hope it's ok to post here).
SureTrace Plus.jpg


I think I'll just go ahead and order one. They're pretty cheap. From support I've learned this is just an updated version of their previous models and is a "bit" better. Meaning mostly design, ergonomics, bells & whistles with 'some' improved performance.
Was 'told' that the previous versions are compatible with these newer designs - regarding most basic functions.
The reason the case is so big, and has an empty nesting space, is because they are coming out with the 61-949 mid next year that includes the induction/clamp meter, battery pack for clamp meter, and perhaps another accessory or two.
According to support they 'believe' that what is sold in the 61-948 (pictured above) is identical to what you would receive in the -949 kit that will be available next year (meaning same parts less the clamp meter).
fwiw - The lcd display, near the top of probe, is supposed to automatically change from portrait to landscape depending on orientation held.
Waiting on a higher support level email to answer some other questions and clarify what I've gleaned so far.


...argh, ok customer service got it wrong, there's no such thing as a 61-949, the model #er is going to be 61-950. Probably around 1K (their guess). All three main components in the 61-950 kit will be different from the 61-948 (pictured above). Reason is, besides other 'pro' features, the 950 will use 2 antennas whereas the 948 uses just one. 2 antennas improve breaker location accuracy. (btw- Ideals older 61-957 etc. also use 2 antennas).
Ideal 946 / 948 are intended to compete with the Klein ET450 as I mentioned. 946 / 948 / 950 all work on 3phase. ( didn't ask about any 277 issues ).
When I stated that accurate breaker identification was high on my list it was pointed out that Ideal's 61-535 / Klein's ET-310 (both 120v single phase breaker finders) and Ideal's new 946 / 948 all use very similar components for this task so that results will also be similar. That tempered my enthusiasm for now, lol. Guess I'll wait for the 950.


NW Indiana
Service manager
I think that your information may be behind, I’ve had an Ideal sure-trace 61-959 for about a year now, it has all four units in the kit, it works well,


Not sure why Ideal's model #ers went backwards, from 959 to 950, but the 959 has been out for a long while. The 948 (possibly 946 too) came out in 2024 with the 950 supposedly coming out in 2025.
For example, the odd numbered 955 / 957 / 959 are all priced online around the $1K range (above / below depending). The newer, more cost conscious, even numbered 946 / 948, with only one antenna, are priced at $215 & $305 respectively.
I was told that when the Klein ET450 came out Ideal decided to answer back. Rep said "exactly" when I suggested they were 'bracketing' the Klein ($240) by offering two models priced just above & below to 'smother' it.
The yet to be released (as of writing this) Ideal 950, I was 'told', will be their 'Professional' model (with 2 antennas, clamp, newer specs / features, etc.)
So the new line up doesn't mean better - as far as breaker identification accuracy goes - until the 950 arrives (but that remains to be proven).