Identified (as applied equipment)

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Addis, Louisiana
Has anyone installed manufactured equipment that was identifiedfor the area classification, but the wiring or devices didn't meet the requirements set forth in Art. 502?
Has anyone installed manufactured equipment that was identifiedfor the area classification, but the wiring or devices didn't meet the requirements set forth in Art. 502?

I think you would need to clarify exactly what you are asking? Do you have an example of a piece of equipment you feel did not meet the requirements that you installed?

Keep in mind that the equipment itself will have different standards of acceptability than the NEC installation requirements will.
Thanks Bob for your response. Actually, the last sentence in your response summed up what I was hinting at. The piece of equipment is a bag heat sealer. The heat sealer is indentified for the area classification, Class II, Div I, but it doesn't meet NFPA 70, Art. 502, Class II, Div I wiring methods.

The question is it normal to run into a piece of equipment that indentified, but doesn't meet the wiring standards for NFPA 70.

Thanks Bob for your response. Actually, the last sentence in your response summed up what I was hinting at. The piece of equipment is a bag heat sealer. The heat sealer is indentified for the area classification, Class II, Div I, but it doesn't meet NFPA 70, Art. 502, Class II, Div I wiring methods.

The question is it normal to run into a piece of equipment that indentified, but doesn't meet the wiring standards for NFPA 70.


Tough question. Is there any kind of 3rd party involved in this "identification"?

The thing is that many times the people making this kind of stuff are better suited to determining its suitability for use in classified areas than anyone else would be if they know what they are doing.

To be candid, I don't know much about Class II areas or equipment for them as I never dealt with it much, so I don't know how you might even try and make a determination of suitability.

Just out of curiousity - how did they wire it that bothers you?
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Bob to answer your question, they didn't use any of the wiring methods called out in Class II, Div I. Instead they used single conductor cable installed in plastic corrugated flexible tubing, similar to what you would find at Auto Zone. The reed switches, used as position switches for pnematic cylinders, are hermetically sealed but not listed or labeled for the area classification.
Bob to answer your question, they didn't use any of the wiring methods called out in Class II, Div I. Instead they used single conductor cable installed in plastic corrugated flexible tubing, similar to what you would find at Auto Zone. The reed switches, used as position switches for pnematic cylinders, are hermetically sealed but not listed or labeled for the area classification.

is this just for the switch wiring? It almost seems like they may have put in IS barriers. Is the tubing blue by any chance?
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