IEC(Int'l Electrotechnical Comm.) code 61024

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I am looking for information on the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) code 61024. It regards the protection of structures against lightning. I need more in depth information so if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be most grateful.
Re: IEC(Int'l Electrotechnical Comm.) code 61024

While searching for the NFPA 780, i came upon a web site that said the NFPA was going to remove or delete the 780 code. Is this true? Please if you have any information on this or the IEC 61024, please reply.


Senior Member
Re: IEC(Int'l Electrotechnical Comm.) code 61024

There was an issue a few years back however the 2004 is current and is scheduled for revision in 2007. I don't know anything about the IEC document. I'm sure they are similar.
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