IEC rated devices....

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Senior Member
I'm learning to love IEC devices (contactors, starters, etc.) they are designed and built with planned more installing product that will outlast me...lets follow the other trades, and make sure that we have something to do in a few years...

I am being serious...what does everyone else think?
emahler said:
I'm learning to love IEC devices (contactors, starters, etc.) they are designed and built with planned more installing product that will outlast me...lets follow the other trades, and make sure that we have something to do in a few years...

I am being serious...what does everyone else think?

I can not remember any time in the last 15 yrs that I designed a new control panel using anything except IEC style components. If I did it was only because some customer specification forced me to.
emahler said:
I'm learning to love IEC devices (contactors, starters, etc.) they are designed and built with planned more installing product that will outlast me...lets follow the other trades, and make sure that we have something to do in a few years...

I am being serious...what does everyone else think?

In my experience, a PROPERLY SELECTED IEC device has a life expectancy in accordance with user expectations (what a bunch of doubletalk). What I mean is that using the minimum to work, at lowest price (different from lowest cost), won't last as long as a conservatively designed NEMA device. I did many control panel designs using IEC that are still running well nearly 30 years after commissioning. I've done some with NEMA that were ready for the junkyard in 5 years.

If you use the small size to build smaller panels, with higher heat, and downsize other things physically (class J vs class K fuses?), and don't take appropriate consideration, yes, they will fail sooner. If proper allowances and criteria are used, I'm perfectly happy with IEC devices.
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