Ignition: What do you think?

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I am tentatively allowing this post since it requests information and is not a DIY request.
Note however that information and opinions posted on this forum are not to be used in contract disputes, suits, and other legal cases.

IMHO the most likely causes are
A poorly made connection at the wire terminal at the center of the damage. Resistive heating could directly cause that damage or induce thermal failure in nearby internal components.
Or a voltage surge event,
Or a spontaneous device failure.

Home owner reported odor of smoke for several minutes prior to finding this. Nothing was plugged in at the time and no recent changes to inside wiring. No other causes of concern.

Does it look like this kitchen GFCI failed internally? Or what do you think the likely ignition was?
Still had to have been some load on the "feed thru" wiring, no current flow no heating will happen in the bad connection. This was something that took some time to develop and did not all happen during those several minutes the owner noticed the smell of smoke.
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