Ignorant poco

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Jim W in Tampa

Senior Member
Tampa Florida
Disaster today ,lucky i was home. Heavy rain and then huge gust of wind. Neighbors tree came down and landed on my drop , bent my 2 inch rigid mast and almost took line down. Messenger wire broke eye hook and just by simple luck did not break drop. POCO, PROGRESS ENERGY had typical idiot to answer phone and had to get rude with her to get man dispatched as a 911. Wanted to send a fire truck . Like we don't need fire truck we need line man. Yes i killed my main fast because because i know what happens if neutral breaks.
Fix was easy ,cut drop and let tree fall then rehook. Are all poco dispatch ran by min wage high school drop outs ? She was like not worried at all that a tree was on our line. Next time will tell her the line is in the road and sparking.

Jim W in Tampa

Senior Member
Tampa Florida
Jim, Take the good air in, let the bad air out, repeat until feeling better. Sorry about the

damage to your place.

Not my first dealing with them. Your suggestion was needed when i first seen it, i was like what the ====. They need to start staffing with someone with a brain.
Once in Naples my transformer was on fire . I called 911 then hung up thinking better kill main breaker fast. Had 2 cops in driveway in less than 5 minutes with guns out.

Jim W in Tampa

Senior Member
Tampa Florida
Because the damage was not so bad, can we call this "a windfall"?:grin:
Actually told neighbor 3 times that the tree needed to come down because it was leaning. Being where we live yes actually happy cause tree is gone now. Huricane season coming. My generator is ready and has had 3 work outs in last few months. Just agravates me that the poco has operators that are clueless. Tell them that the line could break any second and still didn't care. Missed our car by inches
Actually in morning i think i will call and lauch investigation for bad treatment. 1 complaint won't fire her but i might be the tenth.
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Senior Member
I called 911 then hung up thinking better kill main breaker fast. Had 2 cops in driveway in less than 5 minutes with guns out.

And you are calling the POCO chick dumb?:rolleyes:

Sorry but everyone knows that you don't call 911 and hang up. I mean....think about it. Are they supposed to say "Oh well, he hung up so everything must be OK".

peter d

Senior Member
New England
And you are calling the POCO chick dumb?:rolleyes:

Sorry but everyone knows that you don't call 911 and hang up. I mean....think about it. Are they supposed to say "Oh well, he hung up so everything must be OK".

Yeah, hopefully the police department will send Jim a bill.


Senior Member


Go to your 'happy place'.... go to your 'happy place'....


Senior Member
If you call our poco, you get a voice responding menu. It is almost impossible to get a human on the phone. Someone told me a sure fire trick to beat the voice menu. Just say non since word.

Menu: Account Number?

Me: Football

Menu: Address?

Me: Ice cream

Once you get past the voice menu, you still get a high school drop out, but it's better than a machine!
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Senior Member
MP89.5, Mason City Subdivision
Broadcast Engineer
My poco has an automated reporting system. However, when my house loses power, it almost always affects the power for the transmitter sites of most of the TV stations in town. That gives me the perfect excuse to call our poco rep on his cell phone. Ahh...privilege! :D

A couple of years ago, an ice storm and high winds caused a 69 line to start galloping until the phases started slapping together every 30 seconds or so. The constant off-on-off-on continued for 20 minutes, which completely confused our ATS at the transmitter site. (My house wasn't happy, either...I threw the main off rather than risk losing a fridge or furnace.) When I was able to reach our rep, he had the control center kill the 69 line within minutes, and our ATS finally transferred to the genny. I can't imagine trying to explain that situation to someone that didn't understand power distribution.


Senior Member
Many years ago I dug up my sewer line thinking it had been clogged by tree roots. Turns out the POCO had driven a ground rod right dead center thru the 4" sewer pipe when they grounded a nearby pole. I immediately called the power company to ask them to send a man over to have a look before I backfilled. I explained that there was a ground rod in my sewer pipe. She said " Sir you have to call the sewer company, we don't do sewers" I said " But it's your ground rod!" to which she replied " My groundhog???"


Sometimes I don't know if I'm the boxer or the bag
Roanoke, VA.
Sorta retired........
Where I'm at if I call in a power loss the person I talk to is either in west Va. or Ohio.
And I'm in Va.
Our Poco is APCO.
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