I'm looking for a loss of power alarm

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Señor Member
Former Child
I did a web search w/ that description and can't find what I'm looking for.

I need something that can take up to a 1/2HP 120V blower motor, and if power is disconnected sound an alarm.

Anyone know where to look?



I found something that could work: Plug-In Alarm could be used when plugged into the same receptacle, but this one has a 10-15 second delay. I'm looking for one that's instantaneous.


Edit: okay I found one. I just had to get on the right track.
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they have these things called relays and you can get them with normally open and normally closed contacts---even come with 120 volt coils. build yourself and alarm.
How about if you get a battery back-up emergency egress light, an LZ2 or something similar, with remote head capability? Instead of connecting a remote head you could connect a LV buzzer or piezo alarm.
JES2727 said:
How about if you get a battery back-up emergency egress light, an LZ2 or something similar, with remote head capability? Instead of connecting a remote head you could connect a LV buzzer or piezo alarm.

I was thinking exactly the same thing. :cool:
Use a relay a 9 volt battery and a buzzer from Radio shack. 120v coil in the relay, NC across the buzzer and the battery with common on the other side of the buzzer.

Don't tell the city of Gainesville an electrician can design this stuff. We aren't allowed to do control wiring here NOR in the state of floor e da.

OH yea .. thats what the tank alarm circuit is without the fancy box.
not bragging--but i once built a control section for a 400 amp transfer switch with six switches--some single pole,some three way and a double pole. it was an emergency since a fire destroyed the control portion of the autotransfer switch. had it setup for the security guard to go through a number sequence to transfer each way. it worked until the building got a new control section--and no--the inspectors didn't know about it.
thanks for the input guys, but I was looking for something less than $20; the time it would take me to build such a device would be much more costly (my first thought was to build one). I found some for just over $10; a plug-in alarm that will go into the same receptacle. Already ordered and on the way. These are to monitor power to the blowers for inflatables (party rentals, etc. . .). The inflatables company was selling an alarm the the blower plugs in to for $400 ea.
muffled screaming

muffled screaming

I'm pretty sure the screaming will be a good indication of deflation. It wont be the joyful light laughter of children but the muffled blood curdling howling of the beast within those spawns of the devil. And oh yeah there mothers grappling at the throat of the operator to get THEIR kid out first. Now THAT would be something to pull a lawn chair up to with a 6 pack of beer to watch. Im pretty sure that would be less than $20 and self installing.
I'm pretty sure the screaming will be a good indication of deflation. It wont be the joyful light laughter of children but the muffled blood curdling howling of the beast within those spawns of the devil. And oh yeah there mothers grappling at the throat of the operator to get THEIR kid out first. Now THAT would be something to pull a lawn chair up to with a 6 pack of beer to watch. Im pretty sure that would be less than $20 and self installing.

oh that's terrible!
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