It says that we have a feed from ConEd that is 800A 3-phase 208V 4wd. It labels the conductors as 4/0 gauge, which looks about right.
Bearing in mind that this building is well over 100 years old, and probably only got electricity in the 1920s, and that the existing system is pretty old, is it even possible to push 800A over 4/0 4WD? Best as I can tell modern specs would limit this to around 400A? (The feed is below ground.)
P.S. - I'm not an electrician, but did go through Navy Fire Control training which was an 18-week program that did cover a lot of AC and DC electrical basics. (Caveat shipboard power was 440v 3-phase floating ground, and this was almost 30 years ago.)
Bearing in mind that this building is well over 100 years old, and probably only got electricity in the 1920s, and that the existing system is pretty old, is it even possible to push 800A over 4/0 4WD? Best as I can tell modern specs would limit this to around 400A? (The feed is below ground.)
P.S. - I'm not an electrician, but did go through Navy Fire Control training which was an 18-week program that did cover a lot of AC and DC electrical basics. (Caveat shipboard power was 440v 3-phase floating ground, and this was almost 30 years ago.)