IMC vs RMC for post

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Senior Member
We are installing a 320A Meter on a piece of land. We have always set 2 - 3” RMC pipes in concrete and spanned with strut to attach the socket. We have several pieces of 3” IMC left over from a recent job and I figured we could substitute that for the RMC. In terms of strength FOR THIS APPLICATION, is one better then the other?


Senior Member
I would use the IMC without hesitation.

What are some application reasons for why one should use RMC instead of IMC? Are the two types completely interchangeable, regardless of application?

To my understanding, the essential difference is that IMC has a narrower wall thickness, but is made out of a stronger alloy of steel, to give it the same strength as RMC. Since steel stiffness is generally independent of the alloy, it would mean that RMC is more resistant to deflection under load. But you'd have to have serious amounts of load for this to matter.
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