I am a homeowner, not an electrician. But you guys seem ultra-sharp and I'd appreciate some voices of reason.
I am an audio nut. Lower ground impedance is better for sound quality.
This house is grounded to rebar encased in a concrete foundation. I didn't build this house but I have to assume what is inside the concrete is correct and per code. There is an access plate to the connection inside the garage.
Question for you folks: if I hired an electrician to (1) test and measure the ground impedance and then (2) run heavy-gauge copper ground wire (like 4 gauge solid) from the rebar/ground wire connection point inside the garage outside to 2 or 3 additional ground rods, would that improve ground impedance? I would ask the electrician to test again to see before and after readings. The rods would be 8' (or 10') long copper, spaced about 10 feet apart, a few feet from the side of the house. The ground is usually pretty wet in that area too.
There is a point of diminishing returns for everything, but my guess is this work would not cost very much to do. Compared to some costs in audio, it might be a good mod for the house. Appreciate any insights you might have...
I am an audio nut. Lower ground impedance is better for sound quality.
This house is grounded to rebar encased in a concrete foundation. I didn't build this house but I have to assume what is inside the concrete is correct and per code. There is an access plate to the connection inside the garage.
Question for you folks: if I hired an electrician to (1) test and measure the ground impedance and then (2) run heavy-gauge copper ground wire (like 4 gauge solid) from the rebar/ground wire connection point inside the garage outside to 2 or 3 additional ground rods, would that improve ground impedance? I would ask the electrician to test again to see before and after readings. The rods would be 8' (or 10') long copper, spaced about 10 feet apart, a few feet from the side of the house. The ground is usually pretty wet in that area too.
There is a point of diminishing returns for everything, but my guess is this work would not cost very much to do. Compared to some costs in audio, it might be a good mod for the house. Appreciate any insights you might have...