Incoming Service Overhead Clearance

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Senior Member
This is not a how to question just a curiosity.

I saw this the other day on a Sunday ride,here's the scenario,,,,,,,,

Local Power Company pole and pole mounted transformer at the street,overhead service routed to an intermediate pole with maybe 20 foot ground clearance,service then extended to a service head on garage roof. This extended overhead portion was on a messenger with a span of about 30 to 40 feet and had a clearance of maybe 10 to 12 feet above the residence driveway.

That clearance above driveway just looks like an accident waiting to happen.

What are the code violations here,,,I know there must be some.

I spoke with a friend on the phone who had a book handy and he said its 12 feet over a residential drive way,,,,,,,,,this may have been, but its not to far out of my way, I'm going to drive over there and check it again LOL

This is not a how to question just a curiosity.

I saw this the other day on a Sunday ride,here's the scenario,,,,,,,,

Local Power Company pole and pole mounted transformer at the street,overhead service routed to an intermediate pole with maybe 20 foot ground clearance,service then extended to a service head on garage roof. This extended overhead portion was on a messenger with a span of about 30 to 40 feet and had a clearance of maybe 10 to 12 feet above the residence driveway.

That clearance above driveway just looks like an accident waiting to happen.

What are the code violations here,,,I know there must be some.


The violations will be dependant on when the service was installed. Different years, different heights.
Sort of like a home inspector gigging a house built in '84 for not having GFCI's in the kitchen.

NESC will have jurisdiction here...
This is not a how to question just a curiosity.

I saw this the other day on a Sunday ride,here's the scenario,,,,,,,,

Local Power Company pole and pole mounted transformer at the street,overhead service routed to an intermediate pole with maybe 20 foot ground clearance,service then extended to a service head on garage roof. This extended overhead portion was on a messenger with a span of about 30 to 40 feet and had a clearance of maybe 10 to 12 feet above the residence driveway.

That clearance above driveway just looks like an accident waiting to happen.

What are the code violations here,,,I know there must be some.


I've seen them lower. Remember existing is NOT a code violation!!! Maybe or may not be a safety hazard.
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