Indoor spa and bonding


New User
Medford, OR
Working on a two story new construction home with a walkout basement, slab on grade. The home is in Oregon, which recently adopted NEC '23. Sometime in the future a spa will be installed inside this basement. I'm not usually involved in concrete pours, and in fact slab on grade is not very common in our area, so this may just be a stupid question. But I'm trying to understand if there is anything I or the concrete sub need to do above and beyond normal practice regarding bonding of the slab that will be the base for the spa. Since the spa will not be installed until well after construction is complete if we don't take this into consideration now I fear trouble down the line.

The spa manufacturer says this about reinforcement and bonding, no mention of any differences for interior vs exterior locations.

Concrete foundations should be a minimum of 4” (10.16cm) thick and should be reinforced with either rebar or mesh. For electrical grounding purposes, the rebar or mesh should be attached to a bond wire.

The home has a foundation surrounding the slab, with UFER ground that was inspected. The slab will have either WWM or rebar (not sure) and will be poured next week. I will be speaking with the concrete sub later this week, but wanted to be sure I'm straight on what is needed before that chat.

My question - is there any way that slab will pass inspection but leave the slab in a state where it is not suitable for the spa, in terms of bonding? Or will the concrete sub be required to bond the slab to the existing UFER anyway, so we won't need to do anything else after the slab is poured?