indoor spas and hot tubs

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680.12 requires a maintenance disconnect for indoor spas and hot tubs as well as with outdoor installations.This is for all utilization equipment other than lighting.
I have a couple of questions concerning these INDOOR spas and hot tubs and the maintence disconnect.
1. Can the main breakers in the spa or hot tub package serve as the maintenance disconnect? They are readily accessable and within sight when working on the pumps/motors etc. contained in the unit.
2. If the answer to question (1) is no, can the maintenance disconnect be remotely operated(using a snap switch)? Per the 2002 handbook 680.41, an emergency switch can be remotely operated, why not a maintenance disconnect?


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: indoor spas and hot tubs

For question one I would say yes if it disconnects all ungrounded conductors.

For question I would say yes even I f question is yes. Be sure to stay away from the tub

jim dungar

Staff member
PE (Retired) - Power Systems
Re: indoor spas and hot tubs

Maintenance disconnects must be capable of being padlocked off or must be in-sight of the equipment. A remote control switch does not count as a lock out/off point.


Senior Member
North Carolina
Re: indoor spas and hot tubs

Originally posted by jim dungar:
Maintenance disconnects must be capable of being padlocked off or must be in-sight of the equipment. A remote control switch does not count as a lock out/off point.
Is this per the NEC or is this the requirements of maybe someone different?
Re: indoor spas and hot tubs

A further look at the handbook shows the maintenance disconnect 5 feet away from the pool, (680 Part 1) which spas and hot tubs shall comply with. (680.40)
It is difficult to blend in the disconnect with the paintings and waterford glass indoors. A snap switch operating a remote contactor would work well. It would be within site but I did'nt consider if it could be locked out or not. I ca'nt find a reference for this.
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