Indoor unit disconnect also disconnects compressor

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I know there is a recent thread on the mini split disconnect issue. This is a bit different. Let's just say an indoor unit disco is required. Does this disconnect have to just serve the indoor head, or is it ok if it kills the circuit to the whole thing? I am passing by the indoor heads with the branch circuit supply and it would be easer to just throw in a dp switch as i pass by. Opinions?
I don't see an issue with that however you would still need a disconnect at the outdoor unit. BTW, In the past, we used to wire mini splits that way.
I don't see an issue with that however you would still need a disconnect at the outdoor unit. BTW, In the past, we used to wire mini splits that way.
Yes there would still be an outdoor disco. I'm on a job 250 mi from home and i forgot my code book so I couldn't check the exact language. It's simpler this was as most of them need a three pole to disconnect the indoor unit.
Several of the EC contractors in my association do it this way on 20A units. But, that means you'll have to run a 3-wire back to the inside unit and yes, as Dennis mentioned, you'll still need a disco at the outside unit. A lot more work and material IMHO.
Remember the purpose if the outdoor disconnect in the first place, you know the 50ft line-of-site rule. So some clod doesn't come home and say "oh, here's the problem, the switch is off" while you have your hand down thorough the fan! :eek:hmy:
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