industrial application

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industrial application, motor controls

industrial application, motor controls

We, meaning Myself and some fellow electricians at the mill site are debating this question. Insulation is all the same.
Is the control circuit considered a class 1 remote control circuit? I say;"Not if the control voltage is an extenision of the power system"[ i.e." the transformer is fed/tapped from the 480v line.]

This industrial facility has some rules that they are following and i am not sure where they come from, some are NEC,Some are NFPA79, and the others are from ??
  1. No more the two motor T-leads in a conduit
  2. Separate out the control [PLC,low voltage, class 1,2,3 from the t-leads], in this case the PLC is 120volts
Art 725 says class2, class3, conductor must be separated from and not occupy the same race way, but unsure of class1 conductors?
The 120 volt control circuit would be a 725 Class 1 circuit. 725.48(B) would apply for this application.
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