In a large Building that has a small sub station with switchgear, is it possible the Main Disconnect for the Bldg., is located outside in one of the cubicles? These are accesible by the Line crew, who work at the campus.
I may be wrong, but I always thought the Main Service Disconnect had to be in the Bldg. If it is allowed outside, away from the Bldg., then the first disconnect in the Bldg., would be considered a sub panel?
Thanks - Good Day
In a large Building that has a small sub station with switchgear, is it possible the Main Disconnect for the Bldg., is located outside in one of the cubicles? These are accesible by the Line crew, who work at the campus.
I may be wrong, but I always thought the Main Service Disconnect had to be in the Bldg. If it is allowed outside, away from the Bldg., then the first disconnect in the Bldg., would be considered a sub panel?
Thanks - Good Day