A lot of people in this industry tend to calculate fault currents based on 3-phase bolted symmetrical fault. Even products listed are based on L-L-L fault symmetrical.
Why do people only calculate L-L-L faults in this industry only? Isn't that not a good thing to do because there are instances where L-G or L-L-G faults are higher than L-L-L faults.
Even when I ask utility for their fault current at the service, they only gave me 3-phase symmetrical bolted fault. Should I even ask them for L-L-L-G, L-L-G, L-G? Should I even ask them for positive, negative, or zero sequence impedances? It just boggled my mind why nobody in this industry goes further beyond than calculating fault currents based on L-L-L only.
Why do people only calculate L-L-L faults in this industry only? Isn't that not a good thing to do because there are instances where L-G or L-L-G faults are higher than L-L-L faults.
Even when I ask utility for their fault current at the service, they only gave me 3-phase symmetrical bolted fault. Should I even ask them for L-L-L-G, L-L-G, L-G? Should I even ask them for positive, negative, or zero sequence impedances? It just boggled my mind why nobody in this industry goes further beyond than calculating fault currents based on L-L-L only.