INFO; Esitmate with a MAC

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Hey guys I just got into the Mac world and I wanted to know which program do you recommend for Estimating Residential or Commercial.

Or best method.

For estimating, I use a spreadsheet I created in (gack!) Microsoft Xcel for Macintosh.

They make Quickbooks for Mac, but I haven't used it so I can't speak to that end.
Hey guys I just got into the Mac world and I wanted to know which program do you recommend for Estimating Residential or Commercial.

Or best method.


QuickBooks for Mac is NOT the same as QB for a PC. I don't recommend QB for Mac. Like George, I use the spreadsheet app, which is .numbers. Any transfer from .xls is super-smooth.
I used to use OpenOffice (free from Sun) for spreadsheets, worked better than Office for Mac. Now using iWork's Numbers, it's interface looks the same as Pages,Keynote and iLife's iWeb. I've been using mostly Mac since 1984 (A Mac 128K)
Guys you can install Boot Camp on any current Intel Mac and run any windows program out there native on the Mac machine, no emulation going on. Problem with that is all them viruses come with the windows if you put that machine online using windows. You could run Turbo Bid from an Intel Mac. What is better than that is going out and getting a low end pc and put the Turbo Bid on that instead. Let it get viruses and trojans, who cares, just don't do your banking on it. Use the Mac to online security stuff instead. The press loves to .... Oh, sorry George.....:D
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