Information, NEC?

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Arthur J

New member
Hi, Joe

Thank you for your return letter to get me to the right area of Information,,,,,

This is of course my first time in this forum, I want to take this opportunity to thank the Mike Holt organization for it.

I am an Electrical Contractor in Napa, California

My Question,

I was ask to hook up a sprinkler valve system in a house. It is code in the Napa county and city and other place in the area, that when in building new houses and some major remodels to install a Sprinkler system. I have wired many houses, in fact all the houses I have wired in the past 10 years in Napa County, I have never had or was ever asked to hook up any other contractor work. This is quite naturally an individual contractors responsibility I thought. I do have a liability insurance policy. I do not even hook up the air conditioners for contractors installing there equipment. Sure I run the wiring and supply the Sub Panel and breaker most of the time. I have even had Air Conditioning contractors supply there own Sub Panel. Then they Hook everything up on the outside. I hope this does not sound so tic-tackie. I just would like to know in the NEC where it is my responsibility to hook-up another contractors piece of equipment, when I never had to before.

I would appreciate any and all information pretaining to my question.

Again, Thank you for this area of information.


Senior Member
Re: Information, NEC?

Originally posted by Arthur J:
I just would like to know in the NEC where it is my responsibility to hook-up another contractors piece of equipment, when I never had to before.
It's really not an NEC issue, but rather a licenising or contract issue.


Senior Member
Re: Information, NEC?

why should you as an ec have to hook up another trades equipment. should you have to suply power to the ahu and the putside unit yes should you hook there wires up no. if the bid states you will pull the fire alarm wire then you should pull it and hook up the devices but when it comes to the actual panel that is the fire alarm companys job. so did you in your bid agree to hook up the sprinkler system?


Staff member
Re: Information, NEC?

Originally posted by southernboys:
why should you as an ec have to hook up another trades equipment.
My question is why do you want others taking your work? :D why not go after this work and charge to do it.

We are the electricians, we do not install duct work why have the HVAC guys installing wiring?

IMO you are giving away work you could be making money on.

Besides if you worked hard to get an electrical license why should non-licensed people be allowed to do the same work? :mad:


Senior Member
Re: Information, NEC?

When you mention sprinkler, I hope you mean the electrical portion. Like Bob, we here in NY will wire and terminate the sprinkler, HVAC and other equipment. I whole heartily agree with Bob that I would want to be doing this work. I do not see why we would want other trades doing the electrical portion of the work.


Staff member
Re: Information, NEC?

A good example of this happened at a small job I was doing in RI.

I called for a ceiling inspection, the inspector was happy with our work but saw some low voltage cables run like c#@. He asked me about them, I said that they where run by the security / sound system contractor.

The inspector called his office to check if that contractor had a permit for that work.

No, they did not, I believe the fine was a few thousand dollars and that company ended up hiring us to make the work meet code as they did not have a RI license. :)
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