Infrared heaters for a bathroom?

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Senior Member
Last winter there was a thread going about what different types of infrared heaters (and other types of heaters) that everyone favored for supplemental heat in bathrooms.

I was particularly interested in some panel type infrared heaters that could be mounted on the wall above the doors. Probably angled down at maybe 30 or 45 degrees?

Do any of you know what those heaters are, with a link to the manufacturer, so i can get some specs on them?

Do any of you like some other heater arrangement(s)?

I have a remodel job where the bathroom ceilings are 12 feet high, so that kinda limits the normal blower type ceiling heaters. The main bathroom is about 8 feet x 12 feet -- not that big, but with 12 foot high ceiling. Because of the door arrangement, I don't have a safe place to install anything low on the walls - the doors can be opened so the available wall spaces could be covered by a door.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!!
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