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I got a call today from a guy that just bought a house,and the city wants a licensed electrician to inspect wiring and certify that its in good condition(even though the inspector has already inspected it).I've never gotten a call like this before.It's always been to do wiring or trouble shooting not inspect and certify.What do you charge for this type of work.
Re: inspection

Charge nothing or 100,000 dollars. That will pay the law suit maybe, when something you approve goes bad.

Stay away from this type of personal invasion.
Re: inspection

That's about what i figured.It seems like the city didn't what to take responsability for thier inspection.

[ January 07, 2004, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: madmike440 ]
Re: inspection

Run away. I (representing the city) have what is called "soveirn immunity", which makes it very hard to sue me. It's still possible, but its hard.

You do not. Stay away from this one.
Re: inspection

Has anyone else heard of a city requiring this kind of inspection during a point of sale inspection.
Re: inspection

Talking about making money.Starting doing home inspections a couple years ago.Finally realized im getting paid for giving estimates.Realtors would call and insurance companys are starting to require inspections on older homes.If it looks like it needs work they get estimate with the report.I will repair minor items on inspection and not charge extra.Never seen electrical inspector climb into a attic,remove panel covers,remove light fixtures etc.Sounds like its fits your job description so go get it. I usually charge about $250.00 for this inspection and spend about 2-3 hrs.
Re: inspection

Normally a home inspection is requestd by the lender and buyer, sometimes the underwriter. A Realtor would never stick their neck out, except for personal information and protection. A seller does not want an inspection at all.

An inspector whose findings create a financial gain for himself or friends, relatives, associates, and etc. is guilty of ethics violation and conflict of interest, this is a criminal offense.

[ January 07, 2004, 09:37 PM: Message edited by: bennie ]
Re: inspection

Bennie i agree.
I should not be inspecting with the idea of getting work to repair what i find.
We are finding insurance companies wanting inspections.Up till now i haven't gave this much thaught.I am guilty of doing just that.
Last year i was sent on SC to inspect a 1920 home.
I met with the owner who needed us to sign this house off or he would be dropped my his insurance company.
I found way to much wrong to even think of saying this place was safe.He knowed it had problems and requested an estimate to rewire.I told him the best way we could go is T and M . Otherwise i would need to set a very high price.
He was willing and i did a fine job and came in under what i would have bid.
Did i cross that ethical line ?
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