Inspector Bubba

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I really don't want to open a big can of worms on the subject but this really beats all I have ever seen. The company license holder and I done a residential wiring job on a house. Most all wire was ran in the attic. Ok first issue was that there was no romex connectors used in any of the many junction boxes. No connectors were used on the wires going into the breaker panel.The wires in the attic were not stapled.Really was a bad sight. When I addressed these things to the license holder, more or less he said it was fine, hmmmmmmm Ok then the job was almost complete so THEN he goes and takes out his permit. Well here comes BUBBA the inspector up in his city truck, gets out walks over and shoots the bull with the license holder about everything but the job at hand,gets in the truck and leaves. Well the license holder comes over and say's the inspector said we done a real good job and we passed. I damn near passed out is what I passed LOL. Has anyone out there had any simular situations? This is what I deal with on a regular basis.


Senior Member
Re: Inspector Bubba

I don't know what the economics are in your area is, but I strongly suggest you find a shop that will teach you the right way to do things. Trust me, old habits die hard. Good luck. Ron


Senior Member
Re: Inspector Bubba

To: pulliteasy

Please tell us what muni you live in, or better yet, the address of these houses. I do not want to live in them.
For SAFETY'S SAKE you need to go to your boss, unless he's the license holder, then quit and go to work for a REAL ELECTRICIAN.


Senior Member
Re: Inspector Bubba

Man, you guys hate it when the inspector it too tough, and you hate it when they are too easy. :eek: I'm sure glad I'm perfect. :p

Hire a private inspection agency and then present that report to the building department and ask for an explanation for any discrepancies between the two inspections.


Senior Member
Re: Inspector Bubba

If you have a digital camera, take a bunch of pictures. Post the pictures here at this website, and give us the adress of the AHJ. After he gets about 50 letters from enraged members,and see's the pictures, the situation will take a rapid turn for the better.


Senior Member
Re: Inspector Bubba

Originally posted by bphgravity:
Man, you guys hate it when the inspector it too tough, and you hate it when they are too easy.
No, not really Bryan..I really enjoy working with a competent Code Inforcement Official.

*One that will enforce the true intent, of the current NEC, in his jurisdiction. :)


al hildenbrand

Senior Member
Electrical Contractor, Electrical Consultant, Electrical Engineer
Re: Inspector Bubba

This sounds like a small bit of new wiring was done in an existing dwelling.


What was the extent of the work? Was it a service change? Or was it something smaller?

In talking with y'all in this Forum I have come to understand that much of the country doesn't let the inspector look at more than what the electrician (or permit holder) touches.

If existing electrical assemblies aren't "hazardous" (as defined, subjectively, by the local AHJ) then the AHJ doesn't have legal grounds to enforce correction.
Re: Inspector Bubba

Hi al hildenbrand
actually this was a complete service change. We went from a old fuse type 100 amp panel to a 150 amp. we done a complete rewire from the stack down. I guess my biggest arguement with this subject is just the incompetence of both the license holder and the inspector. I have had several talks with my boss, the general contractor about how careless and sloppy the license holder is in his work only to have him say he would talk to him about it. YEA right. This is what I was saying about wanting to have an electrical license of my own. I WILL NOT DO SHOTTY WORK. In my opinion if it is worth the time to do it do it right. I don't want the responsibility of someones death or house burning up on my job qualification list. The guy is good at using the correct size wire for the job and laying out his circuits but my god his workmanship


Senior Member
Re: Inspector Bubba

This kind of behavior only serves to encourage people to hire handymen to do their wiring, rather than hire an actual electrician. Why would someone want to pay premium rates to an electrician if they are only going to get handyman quality?

When I finish a job, I make it a point to show my work to the homeowner. I like to highlight the things I did that makes the work safer, neater, etc. I take pride in my work, and I want people to see that they are getting their money's worth.

Getting your own license and running your own shop will give you more control over how the work is done, but being self-employed comes with its own set of challenges. In addition to being the electrician doing all the high-quality work, you also have to be the bookkeeper, scheduler, marketing manager, estimator, purchaser and salesman. If you aren't good at any one of those jobs, the whole enterprise could very easily come crashing down. It's not for everybody.

I'm glad I went that route, though. The only people I answer to are the inspector and whoever is paying me. No one has ever gotten me to do substandard work, but sometimes they try. It's nice to be in a position to tell someone that either I do the work right, or they can look for someone else.

al hildenbrand

Senior Member
Electrical Contractor, Electrical Consultant, Electrical Engineer
Re: Inspector Bubba

It's nice to be in a position to tell someone that either I do the work right, or they can look for someone else.
Amen to that!
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