Inspector Comment

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Senior Member
This morning an inspector called me to let me know he inspected a job of mine a few weeks ago, and he was telling me about how he failed someone on a similar one. He then told me that "in the inspection world, the day's not complete until you make someone cry." We had a good laugh.

In the EC world, the day's not complete until you make someone smile. :D
He can say something like that because he has a sense of humor.

As a contractor I would listen to people talk about other contractors and think that there can not be that many yahoos out there.

As an inspector I found out I was mistaken.
Maybe he has a sense of humor.
And didn't mean it as a slap at anyone.
Maybe he does have a sense of humor. But I've seen enough inspectors on ego trips that comments like that sometimes rub me the wrong way.

Sorry if I took it out of context.
I am an inspector and have a sense of humor as well, but I also understand that not everyone does. For example, you say something dumb, then it ends up on an internetforum...
I should probably clarify; he said it to be funny. The job he failed was a DIY job where the code violations were ones a pro wouldn't make. He said he wished more people would ask before proceeding so they'd do it right in the first place.

This inspector, like most I've dealt with, is not on an ego trip or anything. With one notable exception, I haven't had any problems with any of the inspectors in any of the jurisdictions where I work.
cowboyjwc said:
He can say something like that because he has a sense of humor.

As a contractor I would listen to people talk about other contractors and think that there can not be that many yahoos out there.

As an inspector I found out I was mistaken.
And if you're a big enough yahoo maybe you'll be an inspecter someday?

Hi John (i didn't mean you of course). See you @ the IAEI maybe.
"For example, you say something dumb, then it ends up on an internet forum..."
I had an inspector mumble after getting out of his truck "I wonder what I will let them do today?" This before setting foot on the job. He is still here and does a pretty good job. I like a good inspection, it is a test for me on what I know and what I think I know. A reality check. Florida will start using the 2005 NEC starting the end of this month. The AHJ also doubled their inspection fees. Good bye 2002 Hello 2005! I'm going to start putting in my proposals stipulations for extra charges for re inspection fees.

Yes you can say something dumb and end up on a forum or in the Building officials or City Managers office. It happens.

You just have to know how to talk to people, some you can joke with and some you can't.

We're not all just a bunch of washed up contractors some of us chose this as our profession. I like to go bird hunting with some of the local contractors and we play Little League ball together and many other things. I love a job where we can laugh and scratch together and I would hope that anything I said would be taken for how it was meant.

Hey Bob, I know where you live. : ) And I know your inspector.

Our motto here isn't about making people cry. Ours is "We'll get this job right if it costs every penny you have"
As a note to this post, I was thinking the other day how much I appreciate those conscientious contractors and journeyman who do a great job. This makes my job so much easier. There are contractors that I never write a correction notice for and there are some that I know I will write pages on. There are some that I write the same corrections for every inspection. I don't mind an honest mistake now and then, but I do get frustrated with those DIYers and lazy installers who just try to do it fast, cheap, and easy and do the same careless things over and over.

My gratitude to those who still take pride in workmanship and pay attention to detail and train those under them to do the same.
jeff43222 said:
You are a winner! Just send me the facilitation fee of $1450, and I'll send you your prize! :D

I'll need a reciept for tax puposes...this is a charitable donation, right?
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